Monday, November 26, 2012

Is Marijuana a good thing?

Colorado and Washington recently approved the recreational use of marijuana. This is a mistake.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for government letting us live our lives. But, in my opinion, this is a time where the people should rethink their vote. There are two main reasons that I believe this is a mistake. First, it’s bad for you. Second, adding another bad substance to a list of already legal bad substances doesn't make it right.

Why it’s bad for you.

Proplem #1:Teens who smoke marijuana frequently are more likely to experience a long-term drop in their IQ.

Problem #2: Marijuana use is associated with over a double risk of testicular and lung cancer. Additionally, adverse chemicals in marijuana are 20 times higher than in tobacco.

Problem #3: Cannibis use can cause cognitive breakdown that can lead to schizophrenia.

Problem #4: Marijuana use during pregnancy is implicated in complications in embro development, such as preeclampsia.

Problem #5: If one decides to quit, trying to withdraw from marijuana use causes irritability, tenseness, anxiousness, and sleep disruption.

Proponents say that no one has died from marijuana. I guess we could also say that no one has died from smoking tobacco either. In both cases, it’s not the one time use but the reduced quality of life and slow death we need to worry about. Proponents also say marijuana helps in depression, anxiety, and a few other conditions. So? Marijuana isn't a miracle drug that uniquely cures a condition where nothing else can. People have been surviving just fine without it for eons.

Why it’s not right to do.

Considering the health defects of marijuana, it seems logical not to introduce this inferior product into the market place; especially while other inferior products are being ostracized…such as tobacco and high energy drinks to name two. Additionally, the nation is up in arms about obesity and other long term health problems, so it doesn't makes sense to plow ahead by legalizing an unsafe product.  

I've heard law enforcement officials say that we should legalize marijuana because it’s too hard to enforce and there aren't enough resources to investigate other harder crimes. Okay, make it a fine like a parking ticket, but don’t suggest that because it’s hard to enforce we should legalize it. Seat-belt laws are hard to enforce too, but law enforcement isn't saying we should remove seat-belts  What about parking in a handicapped space? Jaywalking? Texting while driving? All of these examples are hard to enforce, but are necessary laws for the health and safety of its community.

One might say that this is about food not seat-belts  Well, let’s talk about food. Raw milk is banned in 21 states. Sassafras oil has been banned in the U.S. since the 1960s. Wild beluga caviar is prohibited in the U.S. Slaughtering horses for consumption is banned in the U.S. And most unpasteurized cheeses are banned in the U.S. These are rarely harmful and in some cases beneficial.  Obviously, safety has little to do with current laws against food.

In the future, Colorado and Washington can now look forward to a sub culture of people with not just less anxiety and depression but with more people becoming cognitively impaired, lung cancer, and other physical and psychological conditions.

America is on a slippery slope. It seems that, we want government to leave us alone when we want to hurt ourselves, and yet come to our rescue when we can’t take care of ourselves. When we are well again, expect the government to leave us alone until we need help once again…and so on. Legalizing marijuana is one more step backward that walks our culture toward ruin. It pains me to see these nonsensical laws enacted while greater concerns in our society are at hand. We the people could use some self reflection to think better, become better, and to expect more from ourselves—not less.

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