Friday, March 18, 2022

Tribal not Racial

Tribal not Racial

White or Black, Progressive or Conservative, Religious or Atheist, Rich or Poor, Beer or Wine, Nascar or Tennis, Movies or Books, the list goes on. It is only natural for us to wonder: Where do we fit in? I propose that we don't necessarily fit in to the race we were born with, but into something else, and that something else is a Tribe.

Recently, in the United States, there has been an ardent push for racial justice. I agree that there may be some merit to addressing the inadequacies of the justice system. And yet we must ask ourselves if this issue is as great as the news media presents it on T.V. The fact is, for many decades, racial inequality has been slowly but surely receding into the archives of American history. What hasn't been diminishing is our tribal mentality...especially in the last couple decades. There have been many who wish to divide this great nation, using racial disparity as the weapon of choice, all the while, knowing full-well that the cornerstone of anger is not about skin color.

I don't want to be as naïve to say that racial tension doesn't exist - it does. However, I believe race is not what is at the heart of this divide in America. I believe it's what is in our hearts that divides us. Our belief system is a powerful force that moves us toward those who think like us or protect us from outside forces. And with the use of the internet and social media, it is easy to find others who bind us together into likeminded groups. Tribes are groups or clans that bond people together with a common interest. Tribes are where we connect with others who have similar beliefs. Tribes are where we feel connected with one another and have a sense of belonging. Those are the good aspects of Tribes. Nevertheless, Tribes also have a dark underbelly of the Us vs Them syndrome. America has always had a competitive spirit; but when taken to extremes, it can be misused to reveal our ugly side.

Let me dispel the idea that race is predominant in American society, using a few examples. 

First, if most of America was racist, Barak Obama could never have been elected the President of the United States - twice. The electoral college is the deciding factor in who wins the presidency, and only a majority of states' people provide that. 

Second, if most of religious America was racist, color would be segregated to a particular religious group. And yet, as time moves on, minorities are less likely to worship with their skin color. 

Third, Blacks have seen exceptional upward mobility in the areas of Education, Sports, Finance, Law, and so on. The list is so large, just naming people of color would take pages. Blacks, Whites, Browns, etc. are on  news shows together, in churches together, on sports teams together, and work side by side - everywhere.

The common factor I have found that divides America, is group identity, or tribes. Tribes have been around since the dawn of man, and has not left us alone.  Ancient tribes may have originally had only one race within their group, but this is 2022 AD, and rarely seen in American society.   In the past, tribes would have been useful to cling to one another when an enemy, animal, or storm needed to be confronted.  People had had a sense of pride, belonging to a group of people of like minds. In the quest for survival, race was the last thing on a tribes' mind. In fact, thousand of years ago, when the Israelites travelled across the wasteland as tribes, they accepted any other foreigner or race of people, as long as they follow the existing traditions and beliefs. 

In the past, a tribe's duty was to defeat an enemy or kill a beast, or do whatever it took for their own survival. Present day, political groups are the perfect example. There are Blacks and Whites in both Republican and Democrat party. And yet, regardless of that mix, when in a discussion on how to run the country ensues, soon the parties are at each others throats. When Trump was elected, there was joyous surprise for the Republicans, but there was also disappointment and panic by the Democrats. It wasn't because he was a rich white man, it was because the Democrats held the belief that he would threaten the country and/or survival of their group. When Biden was elected, the script was the same - but in reverse.

Most tribal members belong to a large group, and yet also belong to smaller sub-groups or clans. A progressive minority person who is a Democrat may also be an activist with Greenpeace, a member in a bike club, believe in a woman's right to an abortion, and a sports fanatic, However, if that same person believed that abortion was wrong, then it would most likely put them on the fringe of the Democrat party if not be shunned for their views. A conservative Republican could work for the Peace Corps, also be in a bike club, and be a sports fanatic, but if they believed in a woman's right to choose an abortion, they too would be shunned by members of their group for their position. This may indicate not only that there is a requirement for more loyalty to the tribe, but also why the Republican and Democrat numbers are shrinking. Meanwhile, the Independent party continues to expand. Independents have not defined themselves and therefore allow more variation and less defined loyalty in their party.

There are other sub-groups, like race, language, or a particular eccentricity, that may not mix with the larger mainstream tribe. Anarchists (who burn and loot for their cause) could be accepted within the Tribe of Left Wing Progressives, but would be ostracized by the majority of Americans. White Supremacists could be accepted by some Right Wing Conservatives, but shown disgust also by a majority of Americans. Once again, it isn't the whiteness or blackness, but the extreme differences of beliefs.

During the 2020-2021 Covid-19 pandemic, there were the mask wearing clans, who were shouting at the non-mask wearers...calling them science deniers and anti-vaxxers. On the other hand, the non-mask supporters would call the maskers sheep, who didn't stand up for their constitutional rights. The animosity was still the same for the opposite belief system. People of differing races, genders, sexual orientation, and so on, were represented in both the mask or unmasked groups.

It is easy to find ourselves tethered to a clan and tribe. However, it is good to reassess our reasons for being in our place. What is difficult, is knowing we may not belong, yet want to be with them. We have to make the hard decision whether or not to sever our ties to the clan or tribe.  My view is that we should accept that which we cannot change (such as skin color) and work on that which we can (attitude and beliefs). Todd Rose's recent book Collective Illusions examines the way we as a people try to fit in to where the public thinks we should be, instead of admitting what is truly important in our lives and standing up for those principles. 

Sometimes we just don't fit in to the Tribe. Or, sometimes we aren't accepted into it. But that does not mean you are not acceptable. It also doesn't mean you NEED to be with a particular clan or tribe. We are all humans with varying beliefs and are on a path to discovering what those beliefs are. What we should be aware of, is how our dark side wants us to be angry and be divided. Don't let that drag you down into the depths of hate. And don't let the voices in the media tell you how you need to think and believe. We must be able to find our own place in this wild world of clans and tribes. Ultimately, and hopefully, through introspection and good dialogue, we will learn to accept others, and be able to include them in our they too are on their own journey of discovery of the clans and tribes where they truly belong.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Why I Left Facebook

Originally, I joined Facebook to connect with friends and family; to have good debates on current topics. What started out to be an innocent and friendly association, turned filthy.

The first time I really, really noticed that Facebook affected me, and not some other obscure person rumored to be disgruntled, was when I made a simple comment to a group of people talking about ethics. I made a benign  comment "All men are greedy."  I was hoping for a discussion from my peers about it, when instead, Facebook blocked it and sent me a notice saying that I committed a violation. They mentioned that if I didn't retract it, I could lose my account. It was at that moment I realized they meant business - and that  business is one of ethics and social morality control. 

Facebook has gradually been accumulating a very powerful position of influence on citizens here in the U.S. and around the world. I asked myself, as I noticed the growth of the company, "Is Mark Zuckerberg's morality, the morality I wish to operate my life by?" 

My goal isn't to delve into how Facebook seduces people into spending more time on its platform, while providing less product, or its panel of social justice warriors slashing misinformation as they see it. My objective is to point out the company's misused power and influence on its users. 

Facebook is a very powerful organization. It allows social and political discussions to spread quickly and efficiently. I'm not sure if you caught that last comment. "It allows" was the key phrase. We think WE are the ones in control of our comments. Are we really free to comment? Freedom always has a cost that is not easily paid.

Scene 1: During the Arab Spring movement, Facebook was used to contact people effortlessly and spontaneously. Like a brush fire, the movement in 2010 spread through Arab nations quickly, with devastating effects - at least for the Status Quo. Leaders were toppled before they knew what was happening. Communication was the key, and Facebook was the platform that supported it.  

Scene 2: During the 2016 election, it seemed that Hillary Clinton would be the new president of the United States. Even down to the last hours, political predictions pointed to a landslide by Hillary. Unfortunately, the tide quickly changed when Florida went for Trump; then Rust Belt states and some northern states. It was over when Pennsylvania sided with the Republican candidate. Facebook allowed disinformation (in both parties) to run rampant through its social media platform. However, the Republican Party used social media like a battle axe. Even though Hillary outspent Trump by a large margin, the network of communication through Facebook is what changed minds - and votes.

Scene 3: During the 2020 election, it seemed that Trump had the upper hand in winning by a landslide. Biden was beyond his years and making many verbal mistakes. Trump began the year triumphantly defeating the impeachment accusations and receiving praise from Democratic governors for helping them during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, midway into 2020 Facebook allowed only certain information to be seen. This time, the Democrat party used Facebook and their allies in the press.  Truth on Facebook was now determined by a panel of employees...and the results? Joe Biden is President

Scene 3 Bonus:
Twitter was actually the first to ban the President from posting comments, while Google used algorithms to suggest more liberal articles to its customers. Major Social Media platforms and a majority of the New Media ignored, slanted, or in some cases even lied about about Trump and the Republican party (1). While President Trump and other leading conservatives were blocked or locked-out of social networks, the press focused on Covid-19 contagion numbers and protests for racial justice. Whether President Trump deserved his demise or not, is a topic for future discussion. The political pendulum swings Left and Right, but justice should always stay steady. Unfortunately, these powerful groups are beyond the reach of voters, and now actively engage in these and other nefarious tactics that can manipulate its customers to force any official from office.

As I said earlier, Freedom has a cost, and the cost for me is losing a good communication tool. I have to remind myself that it IS only a tool. I am not leaving Facebook because it allowed people to overthrow governments in Arab states, or because Hillary lost, or that Trump lost. I am leaving Facebook because it has the ability and power to manage or control human events with impunity. 
No corporation should have so much power and influence, from Sea to Shining Sea, to affect the tides of changes so easily. THAT is why I am leaving Facebook, and why I won't continue to fund their misuse of social dynamics. Don't get me wrong; I still randomly glimpse pages and information Facebook provides. But now I  watch the behavior as an outsider and take note for future reference of the destruction it causes. 
Facebook has quickly risen from a simple dating service, into a fully matured multi-billion manipulated social networking operation. As all large corporations peak to their zenith, the decline curve of business opportunities are soon to follow. It is predictable that like all other famous companies, another new and improved version will come along to take its place. And as far as I am concerned, it can't come soon enough.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Cracks in the Foundation


Not unlike the Stock Market in recent days, the United States of America has been in a period of volatility for about 15 years; more so in the last four years, and dramatically in the last 12 months. However, if this volatility isn't dealt with soon, there may be a greater concern for the citizens of the US. I will address the calamity that may occur later, but let me identify the areas of concern first. I see three major cracks in the US that should be of Concern: Political, Social, and Financial.

Politics is the most obvious area whereby the country has recently slid off the rails. During the Obama administration, Republicans voiced their disappointment for the Left shifting of government, and thus gave him a "shellacking" during the midterms of 2014. As a response, the nation was caught off-guard by the Republicans' approval of Donald Trump for President. 
The status quo hoped that it would continue with the standard bearers of society with Hillary Clinton but nominating an outsider like Mr. Trump upset the norm. In a previous blog I have referred to them as the political Elite (most Democrat legislators and a few Republicans) and over 90% of the news Media. Once President Trump was in the White House, the hysterical media hit-job and political hate campaign didn't let up for four years. From the Democrats point of view, damn decorum, it was a righteous battle that must be won at all costs. 
During Mr. Trump's term, the pressure against him from these two groups was astounding. 
From the beginning, there were perpetual calls for him to be impeached and removed, which ultimately resulted in two  impeachments, but no convictions. Every action of the President was viewed by the new media from a negative angle, which allowed the Democrats free reign to push their cause. President Trump would only feed into the slurry of anger and resentment further, by calling the news "Fake" or "Dishonest." The perpetual motion and cyclical nature of the Standard Bearers vs Trump ultimately resulted in the election of Joe Biden as President in 2020. An analysis of why this occurred will all be dealt with later; but safe it to say, Covid-19 and turbulent protests helped fuel the opportunity and the ultimate demise of President Trump's reign.

The social condition in America has been evolving for decades. And yet, I contend that the escalation of tension has been increasing at a faster rate, starting around 2008 to present. As noted in a previous blog the secular community grows, while mainstream religious sectors shrink. 
In 2019, Pew found 65% of Americans are Christian, down from 77% in 2009. Meanwhile, those who identify as atheist, agnostic or "nothing in particular," are at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.
The Methodist Church faces a possible split over LGBTQ inclusion differences. 
Religious service attendance has decreased by 7%. 
About 75% of Baby Boomers describe themselves as Christian, while less than half of Millennials do.
Religious giving continues to decline...much of it related to attendance. 
Therefore, many people have found a connection to racial, financial, and systemic societal inequities; and have voiced their disappointment with more activism.
The height of this activism came In 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. State governments  ordered restrictions on business operations, entertainment activities, religious gatherings, and general external contact outside the home. The augmentation began as an isolated protest of a business or church in the spring of 2020, but by summer and fall the protests increased at a regular rate in many US cities, and usually ended in property destruction. 
The social effects of the lockdowns aren't yet calculated. However, restrictions generally breed anger and frustration, which results in negative behavior. After months of restrictions, these behaviors escalated into continual riots that blazed through US cities and ultimately up to the US Capitol during a critical debate on state electors. With the decrease in religious dedication, and a desire to find meaning, many of the Millennials will most likely try to fill their needs in other ways...some peaceful, some more political. 

As with the change in social conditions, the financial evolution seem to follow a similar path. While secularism continues to increase, so too has the US debt.  When the market crashed in September of 2008, the government stepped in to assist. The Federal Reserve printed money to bolster the market, in hopes of build confidence. It was called quantitative easing.  The Stock Market loved this, because it allowed them to accept the infusion of currency, yet ignore the real difficult issue of paying back debt. This QE was initiated several times, during the Obama administration, and did help to stabilize the economy. Unfortunately, it did not address the millions of people still out of work. 
Therefore, in 2016, the electorate wanted some new ideas, and the Trump administration went full force to address it. They brought off-shore business accounts back to the US through deregulations and tax changes. However, even with the success of low unemployment and a surging economy, the national debt continued to grow. The Trump administration had the opportunity to reduce the debt, but political winds continued to blow hard against him. To achieve some success in one party meant giving up something else - which translates into dollars. Between the Obama and Trump administrations, trillions of debt  - and even more trillions suggested by the Biden administration - there will come a day of reckoning that will tip the financial balance into a negative. This could come in one of two ways; pragmatic programs to increase income and reduce debt, or political polarization and further push the country into debt.
One recent upheaval that caught the status quo off-guard was the Gamestop stock trading event in January of 2021. Large hedge fund companies have had free reign to determine which companies to prey upon and make a profit from, using a financial technique called "Shorting." Gamestop was the targeted company. Unfortunately, for the hedge fund companies, many small investors saw what was coming and countered their tactic. The hedge fund companies lost billions and the small investors profited through their own technique called a "Short-Squeeze." This is one more example of how the market is being tested, yet creating volatility. While many feel this is just the Free Market exercising itself through creativity, others felt it was inexperienced dolts that shouldn't have the keys to the kingdom. In the end, it is more likely to lead to new regulations or other factors to keep the market stable. 
Nevertheless, the internal complications are only exacerbated by the external ones. The US government continues to financially burden itself by giving away money it doesn't have to assist other needy nations. And, although this has been a very philanthropic and strategic policy in the past, there is always s a cost. In the future, when we give out generously to other nations without generating an equivalent income, the excess debt will ultimately force the US to become subservient to China and other countries.  

This volatility in our society will resolve itself in one of two ways - either naturally, by finding an equilibrium of satisfaction through calmer methods, or with more violence and disharmony. If cooler heads cannot prevail, volatility could extend into years or decades. In either case, a purging will take place until society discovers a new norm. 
Let us hope for a more peaceful transition, or the existing cracks in the United States will become so wide that the strength of our country will split our society. And only God knows what that means.  
This doesn't have to happen. There is one thing we can be sure of - that change WILL occur... but in what form? 
Regardless of the targets we strive for in the future, we must be united in the direction we take now. We must take the hard road of listening to one another and find common ground. It is imperative we do not harp-on or pick at the scabs of the country's past sins. We can only look to our best selves for our salvation. And finally, we must keep from looking at each other as the enemy, but rather a fellow brother and sister of a new America.

Trump is not Hitler

The Nones 

US Balance Sheet


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Covid-19's Burnout

A forest can only burn when there is fuel.

Like a forest fire, viruses need a host for it to survive. The forest needs trees to burn and Covid-19 needs humans with weak immune systems.  Is there a point where this Coronovirus could eventually burnout...maybe soon? 

Using the fire scenario, imagine the U.S. as a forest of match sticks. Most of the big cities have a concentration of matches, while the rural areas (albeit larger in area) only have a few. When the Coronovirus first entered the U.S. it was introduced through airports in large cities...the West Coast closed earlier than the East Coast. Thus, still with daily connections to other countries, New York City was by far the first major firestorm, but other connecting cities soon followed with destruction. Now imagine the cities  as matches burning wildly out of control, but as the fires died down in the cities, they slowly continue to reach out to the suburbs and rural areas. It is not hard to conclude that once the states implemented 'Phase 1' and 'Phase 2,' the contagious city dwellers spread the virus to these rural areas.
We know  Covid-19 cases increase when three things are in place:
1) The virus is still active - no Herd Immunity.
2) There are available hosts.
3) There is adequate testing and contact tracing to prove positive increases. 
It is also assumed that an increasing death rate will follow, if hosts' immunity is compromised.  

My primary information resides within an academic article by The Conversation (see link below). I will be referring to its data and sources from now on.
With businesses reopening and people moving about, it goes without saying that the case numbers would increase. Now that in itself would be okay, if the people in the rural areas were healthy - and many are. However, rural areas also have more elderly populations - the most immune compromised folk. 
Here is a graph of the susceptibility of rural areas. In my state, for example (Oregon), notice the weak spots are now outside the city, out to the corners of the state. Malheur county in the desert and  Coos county at the coast (previously low in cases and zero deaths) are now considered high risk areas. Look at your own state to see how the high risk areas have finally moved to rural communities.

Not only is the spread  a leading factor in Covid case numbers increasing, but the secondary damage is what happens when the virus arrives. 
The graph below shows the breakdown between city and rural and the contributing susceptibility factors to Covid-19. Everything above the green line is the more vulnerable factor, below the green line - less so. 
Notice how the cities' burden is densely populated areas, while it's the country towns' vulnerability is the weaker elderly, and in semi-rural areas - people with underlying conditions. A doctor at a local hospital told me most of the deaths she's seen are those elderly from nursing homes.  

In any case, unlike cities, lack of health care and social services makes rural communities particularly vulnerable. In many areas, it will most likely require volunteers and civic groups integrated with  state support to mitigate rural sickness. Will this be enough to smother the virus?

Tackling Covid-19 in the future

I contend that like a forest fire it could burn itself out.  Notice I said could and not would. That is because it depends on how much of a Herd Immunity we will have and what kind of treatment is available to help those infected.
A vaccine is like a manufactured Herd Immunity (see link below - 2min mark how the Herd Immunity works). However, a vaccine will take some time to develop. So, without a vacine, it's important to be strategic with good scientific methodology as we enter into the fall season.
But, again, could it burn itself out? Professor Karol Sikora, former director of the WHO, believes that it's likely.

Flattening the Curve was the mantra at the earliest stages of the pandemic, so that the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed.  This was to be able to care for in-coming patients at the hospital. An yet, that slogan is true in another regard - it buys time for scientists and medical professionals to find new ways of combating the virus. As people become more aware of proper health practices (i.e. not touching their face and hand washing after being in crowds), our society has time and is better prepared for the next event.  
Furthermore, government agencies can learn from these experiences and use new techniques and medicines to tackle the next strain or other unknown novel virus that may be lurking just around the corner.
The best preparedness came from Taiwan, who was the first country to sound the alarm to the World Health Organization (WHO) about the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, the rest of the world ignored them, because they weren't formal members of the WHO. Tawain has a population greater than New York, and yet has had only seven deaths. That is not a typo - SEVEN Covid-19 deaths in Taiwan, between December of 2019 and July of 2020.  Taiwan knew what was coming and initiated their country's locked down three days BEFORE Wuhan was locked down in China. Sadly, the world would look completely different now, if it had only listen to their warning.

America has seen worse diseases in the past, and will certainly see them in the future. Therefore, whether or not Covid-19 burns out this year or it morphs into another strain, it is vital that the scientific and political community work together (nationally and abroad),  using technology and proven procedures to stamp out the pandemic  forest fires before they rage across the earth once again.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

America the Splintered

When lowering your pond, the rocks will appear.

Social distancing and isolation, loss of jobs and businesses, "police brutality," racial inequality protests, riots, political manipulation, and market unrest. How did we get to this point, within such a short period of time?

Even before the Impeachment proceedings were over, Covid-19 arrived on the shores of America. That is when the trouble first began. Instead of allowing America to come together to fight the pandemic, it chose to follow the path of destruction. Instead of looking outward and upward, choosing to focus on the positive, citizens turned inward - lashing out with selfish interests. The result was social unrest...and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

As the weeks of life with Covid-19 turned to months, leaders kept the restrictions on citizens rights. It was a powder-keg ready to explode - and it did. 
One of the first matches was unemployment. Millions of Americans could not work, and could not even leave their house but to get food. Stress could not be controlled and showed itself.
The second match was the death of George Floyd who died as a result of a cop suffocating him. Those with a racial concern (and most everyone else) were outraged at the incident. But what was an isolated event, became the rallying cry for racism and Police Brutality.
The third match was hate toward the police. With racism as its catalyst, "defunding police" became a method to restrict or correct law enforcement techniques. The Republicans had a bill ready, but the Democrats wanted more severe restrictions - neither agreed.
The fourth match was the Democratic Party's latest strategy. With President Trump on his heels from the pandemic, they took advantage by pushing for reforms more suited to the Left Wing of their party. In a schizophrenic way, the Democrats insisted on keeping business closed and homes locked down (to ensure public safety), while encouraging protests (to support racial discrimination). 
Protests led to more Covid cases; thus, allowing the call to shutdown and/or restrict people further...ultimately causing more dissension within the population (and even in the ranks of Trump's own party), helping Trump's approval to drop before the next election. 

The ignition was initiated by the Press. 
Pictures and video of cops hurting blacks, or Blacks retaliating against cops; fires being started on buildings; looters ransacking shops; chaos wherever they could find it. As chaos continues, the news is ready, willing, and happy to capture every piece of it, ensuring their ratings would stay solid.
Every step of the way, the mainstream media pushed for more and more and even more negative news...culminating with a chorus of hysteria singing "Highest cases since the pandemic began." 

Ultimately, these groups unwittingly (or wittingly) took advantage of the Pandemic to unleash their own agenda, which caused the negativity in America to flourish unabated. The poor and unemployed has had to suffer the most in this situation. And in a sick way, the rich and powerful have played the people, like an orchestra being led by a sinister conductor.

In the end, America pays the price - in lives, money, and emotion. We need to wake up and realize that we are not our own worst enemies. We are citizens of the greatest country on Earth and should behave as such. It is vital we set aside our differences. We need to come together in the greatest positive regard to help each-other, care for each-other, forgive each-other, and build one another up. We can and must, for the betterment of society and our future.