Monday, October 15, 2012

Bigger Government is rarely an admired government.

Conservatives believe government should be small and stay out of their way, while progressives feel government should be big and be a helping hand to the little guy.

I believe the conservatives have got it right and not for the normal reasons. Sure government should be around to assist in roads, the welfare and security of citizens, but bigger government can create a cyclical negativity resulting in dissatisfaction. Let me demonstrate.

Let’s say you are conservative and your guy is in office and he is doing a lot of stuff you like. After your guy’s term is up, a liberal guy gets elected and you’re furious, because all the stuff your guy did is now being dismantled. 

If voters elect liberal government officials, then the democrats will no doubt get what the policies they appreciate most. If voters elect conservative government officials, then the republicans will get what they want. What we are forgetting is that after an election, almost half the people didn’t get what they wanted.  The result is constant complaining for the next several years from the side not in office. As government grows, so too will the animosity of the citizens.

Think of it this way.  If my coworker nags me day after day or is regularly critiquing my actions, the coworker I rarely see becomes much more pleasant. This is because those less involved in our lives are not around to offend us, so we complain more often when someone wrongs us more often. A bigger government will, by the nature of its increased involvement with communities, foster more complaints.

How could a modern country do without big government? There was a period in our young history when the churches and civil minded people volunteered to take on the role of helping the uneducated, poor, sick, jailed, and destitute. Now, we rely on government for these things…and volunteers are disappearing.

 It may be a nice security blanket to have the government of your choice in office, but when the other team is in office that blanket could smother you.  Remember, it’s not the four years or so when your guy is elected that you need to worry about, it’s the next four years or so when the other guy is elected.  That is why, although it may mean more work on my end, I believe a small government is appreciated more.

“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.” 
John F. Kennedy 

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